
Wednesday: People/Places/Things I love

It wasn't until the other day when I was looking through our wedding pictures (for the 259th time) that I realized how beautifully genius this shot is. I never noticed that Tracy, our amazing amazing amazing photographer, arranged the rings so they perfectly fit between the "A" (Andrew) and the "R" (...Ruth)

love. so blessed to have had them at our wedding!

please check out Tracy's blog, and her other studio Lightly Photography. They are wonderful photographers and every time I look at our pictures, or any other pictures they take, I am always blown away. 

ruth ann.


packing & pictures

happy monday! 

as I've told you guys, we are moving THIS saturday.
...we started packing 2 days ago.
I kept thinking "oh no problem, we'll be fine, it won't be THAT bad." 
and i was just a little bit wrong. It's just that there is so much to do and go through, we had 2 rooms with wedding presents and miscellaneous items laying around, and we still have lots of wedding decor (all vintage knick-knacks, candlesticks, cake stands, etc etc etc) all around. Eventually these things may have a place, but for now they are a bit of a nuisance to me. 

Andrew is a trooper though. You see, I've never really had to move myself before. My dad was always in the military, or worked for the government, which means that when we moved, someone always packed and moved for us. I moved from my sister's house, to my apartment, and then from there to my current house-but those moves were minimal. Andrew has moved several times, and knows how to get the job done. I am a procrastinator at times. I got pretty distracted by a bin of childhood/high school pictures. I'm glad he's patient.

For now our house is mid-moving mode. Everything is a mess, but we are making progress. 

NOW! Pictures!
For anyone who hasn't seen the loft, here are a few pictures:

Main floor of the loft. Wood floors and bits of concrete, and to the right you can see some of the spiral stairs that go up to the loft-area. they are re-painting it all back to the neutral white color before we move in-so no more weird khaki. It should lighten the room up a bit more.

Cutesy bathroom (please forgive this raised toilet seat), love the tiles. There is storage that you can't see next to the shower.

blurry...spiral staircase in loft
Sorry for the blur! Here is the staircase (and blurry Andrew in back)

The kitchen has a lot of good storage, and will definitely do its job:) I could do without the choice of backsplash-I don't know who chose it, but it's not pretty. Thinking about painting the entire left wall in a yet-undetermined shade of chalkboard paint.

One more view of the windows. There is so much light in the loft, which makes me happy:) Oh...and our view is AMAZING

I will do my best to document as we pack and move this week. I'm glad that the weather is cooling down now-that will make this a much more delightful move.

ruth ann.


so i've been thinking...

I would like to revamp this blog concept. 
I think my focus is a bit off, and I feel like if I go about doing it the way I originally planned it wouldn't give God much glory at all. 

that's never what I want.

So...that being said. I'm thinking this will definitely include a lot of loft and moving,
but more so include just the everyday, normal, life. 

It's hard to explain on paper, but I'll do my explaining by...doing.

ruth ann 


new blog, new lease, new day.

day one of this new blog, and i'm excited.

let's do introductions, shall we?

hello, i'm ruth. or ruth ann. whichever you prefer is just fine with me.

i was just married to the love of my life on July 2nd, 2010. it was, and still is, AWESOME.
wedding photo booth

we are moving on Oct 1st into our new loft apartment on Fort Worth's Southside.
This is a
definitely a change. We currently live in a 3 bdrm, 2 bath home with a yard.

siging lease-andrewlease

we have 2 labradoodles, Mozart & Stanzi

my husband and i pastor a church on the west-side of Fort Worth, called Deliverance Bible Church-FTW. Check us out here. 
Crushing Satan on Camp Bowie
(photo courtesy of adlevology 's flickr)

my life is not my own. in 2007 the Lord touched me and changed me entirely, and now all i want is to live and die for Him. i am all about Mark 16:15 (go into all the world and preach the gospel). August 2010 we took a team to Kiev, Ukraine to preach the gospel. In February 2011 we'll be in Munich, Germany & in August 2011 we'll be taking another team to St. Petersburg, Russia with the gospel.
Mark 16:15 is the call on
every Christian's life.

i love vintage/thrifted/repurposed everything. let's partner that with my love for interior design/decorating.
Vintage 1960s Cram's Terrestrial World Globe
(photo courtesy of buppins flickr)

& lastly, i would prefer d.i.y. over manufactured absolutely any day of the year.

my mission, accepted:
to blog about this new phase of life and everything that comes along with it. 

i hope you enjoy!

ruth ann 

upcoming post---->some pictures of the loft space, building.